Did You Know?
- Despite their name, the Jerusalem Cricket is not a true cricket…and not found in Jerusalem.
- This insect has incredibly strong mandibles that can pack a painful bite.
- When threatened, this “cricket” is known to release a foul smell, so make sure you don’t scare them
What’s In a Name?
We need to clear this up because the name of this insect is incredibly misleading. I can understand why they are referred to as crickets since they do have a similar appearance as those noisy little insects (that are capable of keeping you up all night with their leg music). But why Jerusalem if they are native to western USA and Mexico? Well, some people believe that the term has a Navajo and Christian background. Apparently, the Navajo may have referred to this insect as a “Skull Insect” so naturally the Christian priests took this a reference to a small place outside of Jerusalem called Calvary (also known as Skull Hill), where they believe Jesus was crucified. As such, this insect became forever known as the Jerusalem Cricket. Who would have thought?
Creepy Looking Insect
No matter what you call it, this insect is definitely creepy looking. Their large, bald heads (that many believe look human-like but I don’t personally see it) and beady, little eyes give them an appearance that could send shivers down your spine. When you add in the fact that these “crickets” are about 2 cm (3 inches) in length and can deliver a nasty bite (but at least it isn’t venomous) you begin to realize that this is not an insect that you want to play with. Although, what insect would you want to play with? Okay, after thinking about it I just remembered that I use to play with lady bugs, fire flies and caterpillars on a regular basis.
An Underground Life
Luckily the chances of seeing a Jerusalem Cricket is rare as these insect spend the majority of their time living in the ground. If they decide to take a road trip and go above ground they will typically wait until nightfall. For the most part, you will only see them if you look under a rock, other damp, dark places or if you plow your field. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention these insects are also known as Potato Bugs are highly specialized for digging and feeding on plant roots and tubers (i.e. potatoes). So, if you have a garden then you may have the privilege for coming across a Jerusalem Cricket one day soon.
Woah! Instant goosebumps from the first picture lol. Great website! Definitely sharing this website with my family 😛