<\/a><\/div>\nThe kids are back in school, summer is behind us now and the only thing we have to look forward to are the cold, snow and ice (in some parts of the world anyway such as the Yukon Territory). This is the time we rush out to by our winter boots and coats to prepare for the extreme cold just around the corner; however, we are not the only ones getting ready for the dreary days ahead. Ladybird beetles (lady bugs) need to find a place to bunker down and hibernate for the winter. Around this time of the year lady bugs all over will start taking flight and heading long distances to find their winter home (kind of like retirees going to Florida). The lady bug will hibernate over winter under sticks and rocks but also prefers the sunny-side of buildings. They will crawl into the cracks, door frames and window panes but sometimes they accidentally find themselves inside the house. If this happens the best thing you can do is ignore them or transport them to a nice cool shelter such as the cracks of the window or door frame. <\/p><\/div>\n
At this point you are probably thinking that this isn’t a very interesting fact. A bug hibernating for the winter is not a new concept so where am I going with this? The fascinating fact about lady bird beetles can be summed up in one word,
“pheromones”<\/i>. This is just a fancy word for a special chemical that can send signals to other individuals There has been speculation that pheromones are what causes “love at first sight” in humans, but I digress. If a lady bug finds a great spot to overwinter then they will most likely return to that spot over and over again. They are able to do this by leaving pheromones at the hibernating spot and year after year they can follow their nose right back to that nice, comfy, cool shelter. This pheromone may also attract dozens of other lady bugs to the same spot so you may end up with a very large number of cute little lady bugs in your home over the winter. <\/div>\n<\/div>\n
Lady Bug Quick Fact:<\/b><\/i> Lady bugs born in the summer are orange in colour, however, after they have overwintered once they become the typical red.<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
Did you find this post interesting? Do you have a lady bug infestation during the winter? Comments?<\/div>\n