Welcome to the first week of May! If you are living in Canada then today is an important day and I would like to take a moment to urge all Canadians to head to the polls and vote for our next Prime Minister. Even if you are under age, I still expect you to go and convince your parents to vote since it is important to have our voices heard. Okay, so the public announcement section of today’s Wild Fact is over so let’s talk about the Dusky Dolphin which is one of the best acrobats out there.
The Dusky Dolphin is well known throughout the world for their striped body and impressive acrobat skills. I don’t know if you have ever seen an aerial show put on by the Dusky Dolphin but they are pretty incredible. This particular dolphin is capable of doing backslaps, headslaps, giant leaps and of course the more challenging head-over-tail leaps. The amazing thing is they learn to do this all on their own without the help of human trainers. And don’t kid yourself, they actually have to learn since they are not born with this acrobatic knowledge. They will study other dolphins and master each trick as they grow older. I guess it is like Sea World of the wild.
If you want to catch the next Dusky Dolphin show then you can head to several places including the oceans off of South America, South Africa and New Zealand. Chances are pretty high that there are tourist operators on each of these continents that would be willing to take you out on the ocean to watch these amazing mammals.
You may want to book this trip soon though since it appears that their population is decreasing (although exact population counts are unknown). Unfortunately the Dusky Dolphin often falls victim to fishing nets as they are accidentally caught. As well, this beautiful dolphin is also hunted for its meat in South America. You think they would be hard to catch with all of the flips and acrobats!
Well that does it for our Monday Wild Fact. It is time to go and vote so turn off the computer and head down to the polls. See all of you tomorrow!